Container loads of fun

Local youth group SN@P, which started in 2012 as a project to to connect local creative people in the Bayside and give them a space to share their talents, has just launched a crowdfunding campaign to allow it to expand the work it does for young people in Wynnum.

At WynnumCentral we often hear ‘there’s nothing for young people to do in Wynnum’ and SN@P are doing something about it (we already have a couple of young musicians from SN@P playing at the monthly Edith St markets, plus SN@P helped us out with a PA for the recent Illuminations Festival – they’re good guys!).

Over 300 kids and young people come along to events that SN@P hold once a month. The problem is, SN@P doesn’t have a long term space they can call home, and this crowdfunding project is designed to help them raise the money to make it happen.

We won’t spoil it for you, but we can tell you it’s got something to do with shipping containers!

Here’s a link to their Pozible project –

Watch their video below…

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