Post Comment Archive-Banners are up!

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10 thoughts on “Banners are up!”

  1. gbear
    horrible intrusive and disgusting,take them down and stick them in your front yard.
    nothing more than someone making a dollar while polluting our great beachfront.
    • Loretta
      They are in my front yard & we love them!! Don’t see what the issue is when it’s all for assisting the community!!!
  2. tamara playne
    Advertising where it is NOT needed=visual pollution. Stop this rot now before Decaux moves in with billboards. Thin end of the wedge….
  3. Adele Powell
    I saw the banners as I drove up Bay Terrace last night and I think they look great!
    For the information of gbear, these banners are paid from funds raised by local retailers and nobody is making money out of them.
    • gbear
      Ofcourse the retailers pay for the advertising but why should the rest of us have these ads in our face,if you want to advertise do it in the media not on our beautifull beachfront.and not in the middle of my bay view 24 / 7.
  4. Bryan Nugent
    Good on everyone behind this promotion, trying to bring back some life to the community and support the local traders – some of whom are doing it tough!
  5. Lisa Yunghanns
    Well done guys!!! Great work bringing Wynnum back to life and encouraging a fresh colourful approach to attract attention! The coloured banners look great! Pat on the back for all involved keep up the great work!!
  6. Michelle Templin
    Love the vibrant banners! I think we need to applaud the people who are trying to make an effort to bring energy to Wynnum and not bag them. If people have any better ideas then let’s share them and work together to create a better place to live, work and play.
  7. Kerry & Jan Bartholomew
    As we walk early each morning along the waterfront, noticed the banners immediately they were up! Together with the beautiful sunrises, they look great!
    Keep up your good work!
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