
Punch & Judy show at market

If you grew up in the UK, you’ll probably be familiar with the traditional Punch & Judy puppet show, often at the seaside on holidays. On our wanderings around Wynnum letting people know about the Punch & Judy show, we were pretty surprised how many people didn’t know what Punch & Judy was.

According to Wikipedia, the show has its roots in 16th century Italian commedia dell’arte and the main figure of Punch ‘derives from the Neapolitan stock character of Pulcinella, which was anglicised to Punchinello’. May 9th 1662 is when Punch first appeared in Covent Garden in London (and later spawned a magazine of the same name in the UK), so we’ll be pretty close to his 352nd birthday at the show at the market.

The Punch & Judy show will kick off at the WynnumCentral Art/Craft/Vintage/Retro market in Edith Street this Saturday 3rd May, at 1.30pm. With Wynnum now officially ‘Brisbane’s Seaside’, what better spot to hold a Punch & Judy show! See you there.

PS Here’s the What’s On flyer, with info on our $150 shopping voucher giveaway on the day…whats on may14


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