
Are you on Instagram? So are we…

WynnumCentral jumped on Instagram back in October 2014, but to be honest didn’t do much with it (image below was our first post). Since then of course it’s gone ballistic (being part of Facebook probably helps) with seemingly the entire world jumping on to put up photos of, well, everything.

So if you’re on Instagram check out our feed – ‘WynnumCentral’ of course – follow us and we’ll follow you back. Over the next month or so we’ll be posting regularly (ie every day) to the feed, with some archive footage of WynnumCentral plus images from members of Wynnum Business as well as all the news items, using the hashtags #wynnumcentral #wynnumbusiness #wynnum and maybe even #republicofwynnum!

See you (sort of) on Instagram!






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