
City Council to show streetscape plans for Wynnum Central next Thursday

Next Thursday 23rd April between 9am and 1pm, Brisbane City Council will be displaying images of their proposed changes to the streetscape in Wynnum as part of the continuation of the Suburban Centre Improvement Project first started fifteen years ago back in 2000.

As you will know from our previous article, Brisbane City Council is planning to spend $500,000 on this street refresh. As you will also know, at WynnumCentral we’re questioning whether this $500,000 is being spent in the best possible way to achieve the revitalisation of Wynnum which is currently underway and long awaited by many Wynnum residents.

We recommend – if you are free that day – you come down and talk to the council about the plans. You can read more about the plans on the council’s website here…


We’d be very interested to hear your thoughts on this, and whether there is sufficient support for alternative uses of the funds – we’d love to hear what you think. So complete our short survey below and let us know. Then we can let the council know!

Take the Survey Button

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One Comment

  1. To me this seems like ordinary maintenance that the council needs to do anyway. This is not new works. Already the Council sadly neglects our suburbs. I would rather that the money is spent on new initiatives rather than just pretty up what we already have. I don’t count pruning trees and replacing old ones as new works. This should have been in the current maintenance budget. This is just a big gimmick by the Council to trick us into thinking they are spending new money in our district keeping in mind that there is a Council election around the corner. Come on – we are not that stupid.

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