
Editorial: Wynnum as a centre for the arts?

Last week your editor took a short family break in Tasmania. We’d never been before and had always wanted to go. It didn’t disappoint. Apart from the fact that it felt like we were having a holiday in a fridge, it was great – amazing landscapes, lovely old buildings, great food.

On the Saturday we went along to the Salamanca Markets that Sue at Got-A-Go Boutique had told us about. They were brilliant – at least two hundred stalls in Salamanca Place in the centre of Hobart, with a strong homemade/organic etc feel, musicians playing on the street, tons of people and busy shops, restaurants, cafes and bars. If we can recreate a tenth of this at the Art/Craft/Vintage/Retro Market in Edith Street it’ll be great, for marketgoers, residents and local businesses alike.

Hobart has a real focus on the arts, with an arts centre on Salamanca Place and of course MONA (conveniently near the Cadbury factory). I think Wynnum can learn something from Hobart. OK so we’re not the state capital, but so what? Wynnum already has the beginnings of an arts and crafts focus, why not have more arts events in Wynnum, events which draw people in from all over Australia, not just from the local area? Why not convert the old school into an arts centre?

At WynnumCentral we’re keen to explore the possibilities, and there are government grants available for worthwhile arts-focused projects.

What would you like to see in Wynnum?

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  1. Sounds Great!!! There is also the “Renew Newcastle” project and “Pop up shops” that are appearing in suburbs like Wynnum, that have a lot of vacant shops. From the website renew newcastle: Renew Newcastle is a not for profit company limited by guarantee. Renew Newcastle has been established to find short and medium term uses for buildings in Newcastle’s CBD that are currently vacant, disused, or awaiting redevelopment. Renew Newcastle aims to find artists, cultural projects and community groups to use and maintain these buildings until they become commercially viable or are redeveloped. Renew Newcastle is not set up to manage long term uses, own properties or permanently develop sites but to generate activity in buildings until that future long term activity happens. Renew Newcastle was founded to help solve the problem of Newcastle’s empty CBD. While the long term prospects for the redevelopment of Newcastle’s CBD are good, in the meantime many sites are boarded up, falling apart, vandalised or decaying because they are is no short term for use them and no one taking responsibility for them. Renew Newcastle has been set up to clean up these buildings and get the city active and used again. I have made a few inquiries and the landlords don’t seem to want to budge from their high expected rents. These shops will bring more people into the CBD and make it more attractive to serious renters.
    Apparently the Renew Newcastle project was discussed in 2006, was even a herald article about it. Are the landlords in Wynnum the stumbling block? I hear on the streets that there are more shop closures by Christmas.

  2. This is absolutely what wynnum should aim for – the kitch, artsy destination by the sea. And the pop up shop idea is a complete no brainer. People don’t go because its empty (and closes at1pm on a sat for the whole weekend???!!) and then more shops close. Give us something to go there for. If anyone tries to get this moving again I’d love to help!

  3. I am certainly biased but I always think you can never have too much arts progrmaming. I think Wynnum especially is really ripe for more arts-focused programs and initiatives. When you look at precincts like James St and West End its also clear that its the kind of thing people will travel for if there’s enough diversity of experiences on offer. I do think the number of charity shops in Wynnum Central is an indication of the need for more street-front engagement so a Renew project like Renew Newcastle would be a terrific place to start.

    I have been in the area for two years now but every time the beautiful pristine sunny winters roll around I think we would benefit from a Wynnum Winter Festival. My husband and I both came down to see the arts market in Edith Street last weekend and enjoyed it and we were both glad to hear there were plans to run it again regularly.

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