
Woolies survey results

We had 113 responses to our recent ‘quick and dirty’ Woolies survey and the results were a little different from what we expected. Our initial assumption was that shoppers are by and large loyal to their brand and would not easily be swapped to another supermarket brand. The results of our survey say different.

Woolies open32.7% of those surveyed said that they would be swapping to the new Woolies in Wynnum Central. We assumed the biggest loser would be the Woolies in Wynnum Plaza, but in fact Coles in Wynnum Central take that honour, with 34.1% of those swapping allegiance swapping from this store. Second was Woolies Wynnum Plaza (25.6% of the total) and IGA in Wynnum Central, which we assumed would be the biggest loser, only accounted for 6.1% of the people swapping.

What does this mean for Wynnum Central? It looks like IGA may be safe after much conjecture about its possible closure, and it may be Coles that needs to pick up its game.

Read the full results (including comments) here…


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