
Wynnum residents more interested in art than gambling

And we have proof. If you came along to the last market you might have seen that we ran a ‘jackpot’ – all you had to do was pay $2 to enter, get three stamps from local shops to validate your entry and then go into the pot to win the jackpot, that is, all the $2 fees paid. Based on the success of WynnumArt, which also had a $2 entry fee at the June market, we thought we had a winner. We didn’t. A sum total of three people went into the jackpot – needless to say we haven’t chosen a winner for the $6 jackpot – perhaps we should roll it into the next one, if we have a next one!

The contrast couldn’t have been as stark compared to the June market’s trial WynnumArt program. As we reported previously, we have over 120 people take part in WynnumArt and considering this was a small trial we were very pleased with that (we will be expanding WynnumArt into its own event on a Sunday morning soon – if you know any emerging artists who would like to take part, please ask them to contact us).

So there you have it – Wynnumites aren’t interested in gambling, but they’re very interested in art!

What do you think? Should we try the jackpot again at the next market?

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One Comment

  1. No – stick with what works!!!! You’ve tried every trick in the book, and the turnout for June’s WynnumArt was the best I’ve seen yet! So, just make EVERY monthly Saturday market have an emphasis on artwork. THis is obviously what people want and respond to. I’m pretty sure yet another market on a Sunday will never be able to compete with the well established Manly markets.

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