
Calling all 4178 businesses!

Do you own or operate a business in Wynnum, or in the 4178 postcode area? Would you like to be a part of the revitalisation of Wynnum Central? Would your business benefit from exposure to people who live in Wynnum and who would like to see Wynnum Central come back to life in 2014?

All leading questions of course… 🙂

WynnumCentral is now inviting businesses located in the 4178 postcode to be a part of this exciting project in 2014 and – hey – even get some exposure in the process! Whether you’re a retailer in or near the central shopping area in Wynnum, or a home-based business or maybe based elsewhere in 4178, we’re pretty certain you’d like to see Wynnum fulfil its potential, otherwise we guess you probably wouldn’t be reading this right now.

Scheme contribution levels work out (we think) to be pretty affordable, from $103 a month on a six month scheme membership (for a non retail business), or pretty close to that proverbial $3.45 ‘cup of coffee’ a day. All the funding goes towards organising events and other activities and promotions specifically designed to encourage people to come to Wynnum, and so bring more retailers and other businesses into the area, and encourage existing retailers to open longer hours, particularly at the weekend.

Feel free to canvass any of our existing members and sponsors for their thoughts on the scheme.

For more information check out our For Traders page (by the way we’ll be inviting businesses to join from 1st Jan 2014, not from 1st Dec 2013 as appears on the documentation).

Image credit: Joshua Bateson

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