
Fete de la Musique Wynnum

Hot on the tails of the Illuminations Festival on Saturday 13th June, on the following weekend on the Sunday 21st June the Fete de la Musique will take place in Wynnum.

Last year this world music day coincided with the very first Illuminations Festival, which had the effect of sucking everyone down to the waterfront for what was an amazing – and amazingly well attended – event. Consequently the Fete de la Musique in central Wynnum was a little overshadowed! In fact what ultimately happened is that we moved the Fete de la Musique performers down to the waterfront and they put on all the musical entertainment that day.

The date of Fete de la Musique remains the same right the way around the world – it is always 21st June as this marks midsummer’s day in the Northern hemisphere although here clearly it’s midwinter’s day and a little cooler. This year it just happens to fall on a Sunday.

Alliance Francaise BrisbaneBrisbane City Council are not running the event this year (they have run it for the past two years) so WynnumCentral has teamed up with the Brisbane Alliance Francaise to hold the event in Wynnum. This will be the only venue for the event in the Brisbane area. In fact, you’ll need to travel to Melbourne for the next nearest spot to celebrate the day in Australia!

The idea behind the festival is that it is the only day when anyone and everyone is allowed to play music in the street. In France (and in Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall, but not elsewhere in Brisbane), buskers need to pay for a permit to play. On Fete de la Musique day anyone can play and no permits are required. The other side of the equation is that no one has to pay to listen to the music and no musicians get paid either.

At this stage the plan is to have music being played at a number of spots around Wynnum and only in the morning, that is from 9am – 1pm.

We’ll have more information on exactly how it will run a little closer to the time.

If you are a musician, or if you play an instrument or like to sing, feel free to get in contact with us and we’ll arrange a spot for you to play. Contact us at [email protected] or on 07 3040 1972 for more information.

Also see coverage of Fete de la Musique last year…

Fete de la Musique in Wynnum
Fete de la Musique Wynnum – Photos

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