
Twilight Markets kick off next month

The date for the first Twilight Market has been set for Saturday 8th November, with the market operating from 3.30pm until 8.30pm. The market will then continue on the second Saturday of every month (excluding January), with the June market being combined with the 2015 Illuminations Festival, planned for Saturday 13th June. Feedback on the move to a twilight market has been generally positive, and, as reported in our last article, we are looking to beef up the food and entertainment side.

Edith Street at night is in fact remarkably pretty – it’s a shame not very many people are normally there to appreciate it! The focus will otherwise remain the same as the art/craft/vintage/retro market, plus we are inviting gourmet food stalls along as well.

PS if you’d like to apply for a stall, you can download the application form here.

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